Monday 14 November 2011

My School Front Cover Evaluation

Personally I think my end result on the school magazine front cover has proved to be quite successful. At first I didn't think i'd be able to create the main image that I wanted, but I worked hard to get three different images and combined them together, at first I found it difficult but I soon got to grasps with the software and things became much simpler. I also think I did well with the colour scheme I found that black and yellow worked well together, My masthead 'KHS' is pretty simplistic however it proved to be the most popular when I questioned my fellow pupils. Finally i'm pleased with my sell lines and my subsidiary image however I think if I had more time i would of increased the number of sell lines and subsidiary images as my magazine cover is looking quite boring. So overall i am slightly pleased with my school magazine cover however i think there is room for improvement.

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