Sunday 20 November 2011

Music Magazine Questionnaire Analysis

I asked 6 sixth-form students several questions, first being what genre of music do you prefer?
the most preferred genres were R&B, Rock, Heavy Metal or Indie, however i have chosen to create my music magazine based on the genre of pop, as it is the genre that most appeals to me. The next question i asked was which of these mast heads would you prefer?
"turn it up" was the most popular choice with four votes, leaving "BLAST" with 2 votes and then "rock the charts" and "move it" without any votes. Next question asked was which of the following slogans do you prefer? 
the most preferred slogans were "you're music, our mag" and "pump up the volume" with 3 votes each. The next question i asked was which of the following subjects would you like to be discussed in your magazine?
the most popular results were popular artists, concert announcements & details and stars fashion.
Next i asked how much would you pay for a music magazine?
the prices they would like to pay ranged between £2 - £4
the next question i asked was which of the following images would you like to see on the front cover? 
the most popular answer was that the audience would like to see a mixture of both artists and bands on the front cover
the seventh question asked was which of the following colours would you like to see on the music magazine cover?
the most popular colours are blue and orange, and then pink had only two votes
The next question asked was what age group do you think this magazine should be aimed at?
every pupils questioned said the magazine should be aimed at 15-19 year olds. The Last question asked was would you buy a music magazine and everyone answered with yes.

Music Magazine, Front Cover Analysis 2

The masthead "NME" is placed in the left corner stating which magazine it is. Next is the main image this is of crystal castles, this is used to show that NME are focusing on that particular band or person. Next are the subsidiary images on this specific cover there are two placed on a band at the bottom these are used to inform readers about the contents of the magazine. Then there are the sell lines, all together there are six sell lines on this cover this also informs the reader of what is inside the magazine. This issue of NME has a colour scheme of red, black and white, these are the original NME colours. The audience targeted are at an age group of 18+ we understand this from the use of language such as "murder" and "drugs".

Music Magazine, Front Cover Analysis 1

   The masthead "NME" is placed in the left corner stating which magazine it is. Next is the main image, this is of Paramore, this is used to show that NME are focusing on that particular band, the main singer Hayley is placed at the front to show that she is the lead singer with the rest of the band behind her. Next are the subsidiary images on this specific cover there aren't any this is so that the main focus is on the main image. Then there are the sell lines, all together there are seven of them this makes up for the lack of subsidiary images. This NME cover has many ways of informing the public of important events, such as the sell line in the top left corner saying "685 UK gigs listed". The  main image is on a plain white background with the band's name in a dark pink, however the colour scheme differs between each issue of NME but usually leaving the MastHead in the same Red ,White and Black. The audience targeted are at an age group of 18+ we understand this from the use of language such as "guns". The magazine also involves the reader by asking "will you?" as a rhetorical question. 

Music Fan Profile

Boyband Babe
Aged 12-17
What is she wearing?
light coloured tops branded with the names of "Justin Bieber", "The Wanted"
and "JLS". Animal patterned leggings or trousers all together with a pair of fluorescent coloured high-tops or pumps.
she listens to mainly pop or hip-hop such as; Rihanna, Katy Perry, Justin Bieber and usually every boy band around.
She wants to be
Justin Bieber's "one less lonely girl"
Find Her
In her bedroom dancing and singing in the mirror to one direction's "what makes you beautiful" with her hairbrush.

Monday 14 November 2011

My School Front Cover Evaluation

Personally I think my end result on the school magazine front cover has proved to be quite successful. At first I didn't think i'd be able to create the main image that I wanted, but I worked hard to get three different images and combined them together, at first I found it difficult but I soon got to grasps with the software and things became much simpler. I also think I did well with the colour scheme I found that black and yellow worked well together, My masthead 'KHS' is pretty simplistic however it proved to be the most popular when I questioned my fellow pupils. Finally i'm pleased with my sell lines and my subsidiary image however I think if I had more time i would of increased the number of sell lines and subsidiary images as my magazine cover is looking quite boring. So overall i am slightly pleased with my school magazine cover however i think there is room for improvement.

My completed school magazine cover

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Music Magazine 8/11/11

Main Task:

Construct the front cover, contents and a double page spread for a new music magazine.

you are going to have to write a double page feature for the music magazine that you will produce for the foundation production unit. (1,5000 Words)

Task 1: Front cover
Deadline: Friday 16th December
then blogged by Tuesday 3rd January 

Subsidiary Image

Magazine Photo Shoot Planning Document

 Use the following document to plan each of the photographs on the front cover of your school magazine.

Shoot date and time
10th October 11

Image Description

Pupil up against railings
Shoot Location


Model / person contact Details
        Melissa Noble

Permission Details


      Old Uniform         

Plan of shots

Main Front Cover Image Planning Form

Magazine Photo Shoot Planning Document

 Use the following document to plan each of the photographs on the front cover of your school magazine.

Shoot date and time
 10th October 11 
11th October 11

Image Description


 Pupil Standing against backdrop in uniform

Shoot Location

Wall / Railings
Model / person contact Details
Thomas Shaw  / Ruechelle Miller / Gavin Trinder

Permission Details


       Green Backdrop / Red Backdrop / Railings

Plan of shots

The front cover image(s) is showing the new uniform in different years; 
year 7 pupil 
year 10 pupil 
and then sixth-form with the non compulsory uniform.