Monday 16 January 2012

Completed Double Page Article

Turn It up’s Fortnightly Getting to Know: HARMONIZE
Where you can ask your questions!

We take a look behind the scenes at the excitement filled lives of Harmonize. Searching through the up and downs to find the real girls and their climb to fame.

Q. Let’s start off plain and simple, how do you like your new life?

Kelsea: We love it, at first it was so scary and vastly different, but after we moved in together things started to clear up and weren’t so fuzzy, but yes we love this new life, it’s absolutely perfect. Finally getting into the swing of things.

Sally: I agree with Kelsea, the sudden leap into the lime light was pretty nerve wrecking but we’ve got to grips with our new life and it’s just simply fabulous.

Q. So your new album, ‘Into the Stars’ enjoying making it?

Katie: Oh My Goodness YES, It’s such a great experience to be in and out of the studio always working on our music and also making the album with my three best friends it just couldn’t get any better.

Melissa: Its great fun but also tons of hard work, everyday were either in the studio recording or in the dance studio learning the new routines for the music videos. Busy Busy Busy.

Q. When is your new album released?
Chris, 16. Hereford

Sally: ‘Into The Stars’ is released on the January 27th 2012.

Q: And the tour?

Melissa: We start our ‘Just For You’ tour on the 3rd February it tours right the way around the UK. Were all so excited.

Q: Your album is aimed at a pop genre audience, am I right?

Sally: Yes mainly pop however there are two of our more recent songs which have more of a rock sound. The video is great filled with reds and blacks its really different for us but we want to appeal to everyone.

Katie: I love our album and I’m not trying to sound vain but I think it’s fantastic for our first album, I love how so early on in our career we are trying out different things.

Q: Rumours have already sprouted that Kelsea is planning to make her own solo album? Is this true?
Jennifer, 19. Doncaster

Kelsea: NO, not at all! I would get nowhere in life without these girls, were just so close yes we’ve had our argument but hasn’t every other girl group. So to put an end to the rumours I will not be going solo.

Melissa:  If Kels was to go solo we’d be lost as she is our main vocalist and she is what brings out the best in the band.

*After opening a box of tissues*

Q. Kelsea mentioned arguments between you four? What does she mean by that?

Katie: Well like everyone else we have our little tiffs, we argue over clothes and over silly things that are said in the press, were kinda like sisters.

Melissa: Yeah, we argue over the silliest of things but I think each little row makes us realise how lucky we are to have each other and to be where we are.

Q. When your not working so very hard what do you do?
Kelly, 15. Chelsea

Kelsea: It’s very rare that we get a day to ourselves, so when we do we just lounge around the pad, or we go out and have fun with the rest of our closest friends.

Sally: Kelsea’s a liar, whenever we have a day off she sleeps until about 4 o’clock in the afternoon while the rest of us pig out and watch movies, ya’know usual girl stuff.

Q: When your writing songs and music who do you get you inspiration from?

Melissa: Well most of or songs come from each others memories like ‘Fall’ is about when my parents split.

Kelsea: Our main inspiration I’d say is The Saturdays and Nicki Minaj.

Q. Do you see your families much?

Katie: Yeah they always call by the house or we go visit whenever we can, but don’t get me wrong, it’s so much more different living without them now.

Q. lets talk boys, any lucky lads around now?

Melissa: Not for me at the moment But notice Sally blushing. She’s been getting so much fan mail of this one boy, I think its getting to her I think she likes him.

Sally: I do not! I admit it’s flattering, but frankly I have no time for boys right now.

Q. Christmas has just passed. What did you guys get each other?
Darrel, 20 . Cardiff

Katie: Awwh, Christmas was so lovely this year, I do love spending it with my family but it was great with the girls. Kelsea bought me a Pandora bracelet and some really beautiful clothes, she has the best taste in fashion I must say. Sally bought me a new phone and a television for my room, and Mel got me some new shoes which are absolutely gorgeous and some perfume.

Kelsea: Frankly, I think Katie bought the best present. She bought us all a little Chihuahua for the house, his name’s Bruno and he’s just too adorable. Off Mel and sally I received clothes and jewellery, it was a FAB Christmas.

Melissa: Oh my god. I love Bruno he’s so cute. I loved all my presents from the girls but the best was spending the day with them, it was amazing.

Sally: I agree with Mel, all the presents were so perfect but last year was like one big gift all together.

Q. How successful do you see yourselves being?
Carry, 17. Essex

Melissa: That’s an odd question because obviously we’d want to be as successful as possible but we’ll never know.

Yes so there you have it the inside goss’ on Harmonize, make sure to get next weeks issue for next weeks celebrity incite on Katy Perry.

If you have a Question to ask Katy Perry TEXT TIU605 + Your Question to 707135
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Wednesday 11 January 2012

Unfinished Magazine Cover

Next I must down size my bar code,add another subsidiary image and then add more sell lines.